
A general how-to manual for onboarding new users

A development environment, testing framework and smart contract pipeline for Terra, aiming to make life as a Terra developer easier.

Houston is a development environment, testing framework and smart contract pipeline for Terra, aiming to make life as a Terra developer easier.

With Houston, you get:

  • Built-in smart contract compilation, linking, deployment and wasm binary management.

  • Configurable build pipeline with support for custom build processes.

  • Scriptable deployment & migrations framework.

  • Network management for deploying to Terra's public & private networks.

  • Instant rebuilding of webassembly binaries during development.


Houston has four commands to support your smart contract development:

init: for project initialization

compile: for compiling contracts

add: for adding or downloading contract cargo projects

migrate: for executing migration scripts to deploy/interact with smart contracts

To get help on each command, run houston help <command>.

Last updated